Temple Priesthoods

Temples are Dedicated to the Care, Service and Worship of One or a Specific Selection of Gods.

Temples serve the public, may have it's own set of initiation rites, specific rituals, garb and traditions that are not comparable to covens. Temple work can be done in conjunction with a coven. Temples do not require a student/teacher covenant. Temples work specifically with the desires of the God or Goddess and do not follow a Wiccan format.

The Eleusinian Priesthood

Continuing the Ancient Rites of Eleusis

Terminology -

Pilgrim - You, who travel to the Mysteries

Mystai - You, who have been initated into the Lesser Rites Mysteries of Eleusis

Epopteai - You, who have Initiated into the Greater Rites of Eleusis

Devotee - You, who have Dedicated to serve a God in a the Temple of Eleusis

Vessel - You, who are currently carrying the incarnation of the Gods.

Votive - You, who have previously carried the incarnation of the Gods.

Votary - You, who have agreed to lead the Temple and carry the sacred wisdom forward

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